

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Love can destroy human being, Right or False ?

Sometimes a simple thing can become hardest thing, but it's all up to you. Your decision is your future, your way is you wise. Now go to the topic, I got a question from my friend that " Do love can destroy human being ? " Of course the simple is " Maybe, because the effect is only person who have the wrong think ! "

Maybe this article have a wrong idea for you, so I hope your comment that can help me to make a better article.
3 Reason why love can destroy human being (Wahyudi Purnama Version) :

1. Forgot The Meaning Of Life

Love can make your logic become awesome, but can become worst too. As example when you lost you relation with her/him you can become crazy yet you can kill them just because a simple reason. Remember your parent birth you not because you must have a couple. but become a nicest people that can make another people happy with you good idea. Life is not only a simple thing, but the extra ordinary !

2. Love or War ?

Another funny thing if you lost you mind is this, the WAR ! How can you make a war just because you love that people ? Remember love must make each other happy yet comfortable, if you thing you become a war with him just because different opinion, religion and another so you only want them to become your toy. They move to what they believe, yet go to their way and they going to a wrong way. It's going to become you mission to make them to the right way. If you make a war with a person just because love, you already lost your human brain.

3. You Force Yourself !

The meaning of this thing was you did'nt love them but you still force yourself to become their couple just because you did'nt want to hurt them. It's nice idea but become a worst thing if they know that you only become their couple just because that. Remember love it's not the only one but each other ! If you force yourself, isn't you lost your life as human who love each other ?

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